Thursday, July 20, 2006

Here it comes....quietly, but surely...

The market's up, the market's down. Who are we kidding? Moderate inflation is good, recessions are a necessary part of the cycle. But what we are seeing is more than moderate inflation. Wages are stagnant, the rich are getting richer, the poor....well, can't really get any poorer, so they're still...poor, but you get my point. I just can't grasp why the USA is in such enormous debt? How is that good?


Anonymous said...

Fatcat upper management are rockin' and corporate profits are way up, so what's your problem, Pinko!? Is it because with the large increases in productivity and stagnant wages, middle-class schnooks like us are being royally screwed? Perish the thought! More tax cuts! Kill the estate tax!

Skiletsrage said...

I think you're trying to slight me, sir, but you may be right. Taxation is a funny issue though. We should be taxing the rich more, but they always get around it, and the poor have no money to start with, so the middle class ends up with a disproportionate part of the bill.