Monday, March 27, 2006

....Not that there's anything wrong with it!

Okay, done deal, I'm not fucking with the ACLU. I found this little story about a religious group against homosexuals on Jon Armstrong's blog. Read A Response to Liberty and especially the ACLU 'stop being so mean' letter to the Exodus group. Lawyers are funny.

I actually met a homosexual once, and you know what? I didn't even realize it till later. At their worst, I find gay people to be......well, a bit different than me. At their best, I find them to be considerate and caring (except for non-lipstick lesbians; they're really mean). Since this is my blog, I can be as ridiculous as I want. They just tend to be a bit more human to me than the rest. Now of course if we start giving them equal protection under the law, over the next couple of decades they'll become just as bad as the rest of us.

And my fine for running a red light, with no human person within sight, anywhere, was $350. I'm sorry.....if you have children, please cover their eyes............Fuck California.

Rummy speaks the truth, again. What in God's name is going on over there? I don't even follow the media, outside of 30 mins. of NPR in the morning. But everytime I hear anything, more people have died, and things have gotten worse. All in the name of profit and religion. As I'm sure my old roomie Timmy M. might say, "now there' s a huge surprise."

And on the other hand, I also hear (via the NPR) that it's coming out that Saddam never thought we'd invade. Apparently he saw the US as a 'paper tiger.' Not taking a stance here, but what the motherF was he thinking? He is equally responsible for this mess. Fucking megalomaniacs, why are they always in charge?

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