Thursday, March 23, 2006

Just for today, be unafraid.

And that means you, Tovar, you slutty little bitch. Don't be afraid.

Fear is a funny thing. If I recall correctly, I experienced fear several times today.
  1. When I first realized I was awake this morning, I feared that I was not a 17th century aristocrat, and that I might actually have to go to work today.
  2. Upon walking into work, I feared that my workplace might in all actuality be a mental institution, and I just might be the psychiatrist who went crazy himself.
  3. I feared today that I might not ever be allowed to see the baby I fathered with Britney Spears.
  4. I was in Century City today, and feared that tall buildings, or objects from atop the tall buildings might fall down upon me. I know, I'm egocentric to the max.
  5. I feared I might have to kick some ass today. Physically. What chew looking at?
  6. I feared I might live my entire life, and then die.
  7. I feared I might die and not do some things that are entirely within reach today.
  8. If you're reading this, you're probably someone who owes me money, so please accept that I am afraid that you will not pay me. Prompt payments make me happy.
  9. Most of all, I'm afraid that it will all end someday....


Anonymous said...

i'm quite fearful that i will continue to turn to your blog each day before i turn to the drudgereport.

Skiletsrage said...

you will be rewarded handsomely in the afterlife, which is nice.

akacontinues said...

I'm afraid you shit yourself again.