Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Coffee, Eggs, Cheese

This morning I got waited upon by a pregnant, lazy waitress. She's sort of engaging, but then backs off at precisely that moment when you think she wants to interact, and then you feel even more stupid. Anyhow, I hope that baby runs her ragged.

p.s. I'm done with "Homicide Special," and have moved on to "A Heatbreaking Work of Staggering Genius," by Dave Eggers. So far I'm sucked in to the core, and it's hot in here.


Anonymous said...

Since I'm not allowed guest posting priveliges, I thought I'd give you an example of why I like Brad DeLong more than Greg Mankiw:


Mankiw seems like someone that's a little too comfortably cloistered in his ivory tower, and has a hard time thinking outside of his velveteen environment. Maybe it's because DeLong works for a public university and Mankiw's at Harvard. I don't know.

In other words, exciting day at work for Random.

Scott said...

why is JBO so tough on guest posting priv's?

Anonymous said...

More on Mankiw:


He just seems like a preppy twerp to me. Smart as shit, of course, but unable or unwilling to look outside the box at all at those less fortunate.

On other economics news, Milton Friedman died today and I should've majored in econ.

And loosen up with the priveliges!