Tuesday, September 05, 2006


Well, it's almost time. Time to board a jet plane bound for the middle of the Pacific. Time to wander around the tippy-top of an underwater mountain, and just look around for my next place to nap. Time to unwind. Time to play a little golf. Time to get away from work, the phone, the beat up alley, the crazy drivers of LA, (I just realized that the list of LA negatives is long and cliche), so I guess I'll just end it with: time for a litte "ME time."

To all my co-workers - it's been nice knowing you.
To my friends and family back in the States - come visit or else I guess I'll see you at Christmas.


Marin said...

Super buddy-
Are you moving out of Cali? What's going on?

Anonymous said...

Life without Ski...So dreary...