Monday, June 05, 2006

No Pain, No Gain

Some days it seems so effortless to put up blog entries. They usually start as a silly thought, and then I just let it rip a little. And then other days it's considerably harder. Today is one of those days.

I don't want this to be news-filter blog, political blog, too personal of a blog (as I'm not sure how those around me feel about it, or whether or not I will regret it later), and so I'm left wondering about the blog? What's it for if I can't vent about stuff? I guess that's the last blog type on the list that I do not want the blog to become: the rant blog.

Some things I want for the future:

a.) I want a different job. Maybe this means a new employer, and maybe it doesn't, but for right now, I want a new job.
b.) I want to live in a different city. The part of LA that I live in is soooooooooo tired.
c.) I need to get in a little better shape. Ideas for exercise include hiking, surfing, anything that raises the blood pressure other than reducing the size of my arterial passageways.
d.) I really should start playing music again. I was never good, so it's not for anyone but me. But I really should; shouldn't we all? What a waste to not learn a little.
e.) Can everyone just take it down a notch? Might be me, might be the media, but it seems like violence and death are really fashionable right now.

Top thing I can think of that will not happen: Bush's proposed Constitutional amendment banning gay marriage. Why will politician's never give up? He can't think of a better use for our taxes? And let's pretend for a moment that Church and State are separated.....What would Jesus think? I know I'm in trouble now, but give me a break here.

Another idea: the housing market is coming down. We're also heading into a mild recession.

1 comment:

akacontinues said...

Don't give up little choo chew