Monday, May 22, 2006

Vacation, Day 1

Technically, I suppose it's the 3rd day of my vacation, but I'm calling it Day 1, as today is Monday and all my work friends and foes had to go in to work. Poor slobs.

This morning I slept in till 7 a.m., went straight for the coffee in my bathrobe, and sat down at my laptop to check in and see how work was going. Most things looked pretty good, and for the things that did not: I'll be back in a week. Touche!

For lunch I made a steak sandwich on grilled sourdough with cheddar cheese (from Wiscansin) and a smoothie. A little Chia forest was growing in the yogurt, so today's smoothie was just fruit and milk. Pretty tasty little beverage nonetheless. I put Vanilla Slim Fast in it....that's my trick.

Next I dashed off to take care of some urgent business. And when you have too many things to get and not enough time, where do I suggest you go? That's right.....ReXall.

Today's purchases:

Can you guess which product got first use?

1 comment:

Scott said...

with a question like that and with all the CSI i've been watching, I'll choose the following: You poured a drink, put your laundry in, had a sip of liquor, forgot about your shower. had another drink. proceeding to forget about the laundry.